News stories, articles and updates from composer
Simon Wilkinson. All my latest music projects, releases and placements are listed here. You'll also find occasional articles, news stories and general things that catch my ear in the world of documentary music and film soundtracks. You can search for specific articles on the right and if you want to follow my updates just point your RSS feed
I recently bought myself a drone so I can get some nice atmospheric images for my music videos. Here’s a few simple test shots from up at Highdown Hill in Sussex, close to where I live. It’s only my 3rd flight so I’ve got a lot to learn but I can see myself getting some nice footage with it!
Music is my track Vapour Mining from the album Stateless.
Here’s a nice underwater video from Colin Snow at Koptervision featuring my instrumental music track Ocean Blue. You can license the track for use in your own films and videos here.

My music is currently being featured in photographer John Hailstone‘s photography exhibition entitled Exo Earth. The exhibition is at St. Peter’s Church in Wallingford, Oxfordshire and runs from 5th-7th and 11th-14th November from 11am until 5pm.
More details here:
Check out this new recommended space ambient live streaming channel on YouTube featuring 24/7 constant space ambient music (including some of my tracks!). Make sure to subscribe and support them if you like the music:
My music track Bossa Lounge has been used in recent media spots for Cheez-Its. You can watch one of the light-hearted spots above and also license Bossa Lounge for your own video here.
I was casually watching this documentary last night about one of my favourite musicians and producers
Daniel Lanois when I heard some of my music crop up in places in the background. I had no idea it had been used in it but I love it when that happens (I think it’s only happened once or twice before!)
My dramatic orchestral trailer music track Excelsior is featured in the new Marvel trailer for Realm Of Champions.
Excelsior is also available to license for your own films, trailers and videos from the following link or contact me for more info:
Thanks to the always supportive John Shanahan over at the awesome and ethereal Hypnagogue Podcast for featuring the title track from my ambient album Stateless on his latest podcast.
Be sure to check out episode 306 and all the others here:
Always a great honour to have some of my music featured on the excellent Hypnagogue Podcast. This time it’s the track Continuum from my ambient space music album Merging The Infinite. Many thanks once again to John Shanahan for his continued support of my music alongside some other great musicians in the ambient genre.
Check out this episode and all the others here:
Here’s a video for the track A Softer Indication from my latest atmospheric ambient space music album Hegira. The album is a 3 track album (over 80 minutes) of atmospheric ambient soundscapes and cinematic drone music.
You can either get the album here on my website or over at Bandcamp as a name-your-price download:
It’s also available to stream on Spotify, iTunes, Tidal etc.
Google Play Music